J.P. Black here. I’m from Chicago (Bear Down!) and spent time in Michigan and Iowa before moving to Colorado.
Thanks to older brothers and a dad who kept it cranked to 11, I learned how to headbang before I learned to walk. Beatles and Zeppelin are my jams, and as you can tell by the photo, I’m the guy talking about all the nerdery from Star Wars to pro rasslin’ to comics, toys, and games. I even created my own card game, Death Path!
My wife Heather and cat Rizzo let me play on the radio weekdays 10am-2pm. You should listen. When I’m not on the radio, you can find me slappin’ the bass. And yes, 5 strings are better than 4. It’s one louder. Score bonus points if you recognize me as the out-of-focus Homeland Security Agent from S3E19 of Chicago Fire.